Game Notes
When the 2000 season begins, this will contain my thoughts on the previous week's game. As for now, I will
leave my thoughts on the 1999 season.
1999 Notes
- First, I like Dick Juaron and the attitude that he brings to the football field. I'm also glad that
Wannstedt is gone. Granted, he had a hard act to follow after Ditka, but come one. I think we gave
him plenty of time to give us a decent football team.

- Second, I am glad Michael McCaskey is gone. I never imagined that any man could mess up a team as bad as he did.
- Marcus Robinson - a great pickup. Hopefully he will remain a Bear for a while. I consider
him to be equal to, if not better than, Randy Moss. Hopefully, he will prove that he is a consistent top notch receiver next year.

- I was also once again pleased with the play of Bobby Engram. I am hoping that next year he will
do the same and that Curtis Conway will become the player we all hope he can.

- Although Shane Matthews and Jim Miller both played extremely well, I don't believe that
they are quarterbacks who can take us to the Super Bowl in the next few years. I think we have established
that Cade McNown is that person. Therefore the Bears must let him play so that he can continue
to grow and develop into the quarterback we hope he can be.
- Our defense played fairly well. The main problems I see in the defense is a lack of a consistent pash
rush. We need to pick up a dominant pass rusher like Simeon Rice or Kevin Carter in order to help out
the secondary. I also believe that in order to get to the next level we will need a dominant cornerback. At
this point we have a lot of decent cornerbacks, but no one who is going to take away half of the field.
I also think that a good pash rusher makes decent cornerbacks look good. Therefore, I would look for
a pash rusher first.

- Finally, I would like to know how hard it can possibly be for an NFL kicker to make a field goal.
In this age of relative parity between teams, a field goal or two is often the difference between
a win and a loss. Last season, we realistically lost 3 games because of a simple field goal, Seattle at the buzzer,
Minnesota in overtime, and the Eagles before the half. Give the Bears those three games and they are
in the playoffs with a 9-7 record. Also, I hope that Todd Sauerbrun can once again become the dominant
kicker that he was in college.